We were at a music festival, hosted by a hotel. The rooms were all full of musicians and you can hear an orgy of sound as you walked down the halls. we had the room at the top floor. It reminded me a lot of the sunroom on my old apartments roof. You could look down at all the people, The stage, The courtyard. Lots of different bands were there. Nick was there with his girl friend who looked like the daughter from the Gilmour girls, Alexis Bledel. Maybe It was her. She also brought another girl friend of hers.
My band wasn’t going on until 9 pm. but nicks band was scheduled to go on in a few hours. Something happened to his other band members and he asked me if i knew his songs. I said I didn’t but I could learn them very quick. He wanted me to play guitar while he sang and played the drums. We ate some crackers and his girlfriend, I’ll just call her alexis, her friend and my girlfriend stayed in the room, while we went down to the stage area so he could teach me the songs. The simplest chords and I couldn’t learn them. But he was standing very far away, and playing really fast, his fingers looked just like a blur, going back and fourth. Nobody could play like him, they could try, get all the chords right, but it would never sound like nicks playing. After several failed attempts and his looks of annoyance, I finally got it. Then we had to go up on stage to play. right before we started, nick told me one of his friends was in the audience and had asked his opinion of my playing, as if I should want to impress him. I could care less of this guys opinion, but i could tell he just didn’t want me to fuck up. So we play. It all went well and the crowd had a good time.
On my way back up to the room now, I see my girl, who utters something hurtful about the one she’s with. We are no longer a couple. I enter and see alexis and her girlfriend quickly lay down and pretend to be asleep. then she “wakes up” and starts yelling at me to get out. They were both naked and drenched in sweat, blabbering on about unknown things and jumping wildly about the room. I knew they were on something. I tried to get her to calm down, but she was afraid i was going to use the rest of her drugs. Heroin. I look in the kitchen and see they devised a cooking method on the stove, where the little cups underneath the burner part were filled with liquid heroin. I then saw the process in my mind. They sealed off the bottom with saran wrap, scooped the powder into the cupped section and lit the stove. the burner acted like broiler, slowly melting the drug, she would then scoop out the liquid onto a spoon and continue to boil it off until it dehydrated again and she would sip up the smoke with a straw.
getting hazy now, I flash a bit forward. they are both coming down, they’ve used up all they had. Alexis’ nose was grey, like a clown’s red horn nose. her friend was seemingly unconscious, rolled into a ball of naked sweat in the corner, the water leaking around floor like a bottle of spilt milk. Slowly creeping toward my feet. I’d get flashes of them in the shower, gripping their knees, rocking back and fourth, trying to justify their fucked up experience as just a bad batch. Cut to heavy in formaldehyde. She was so beautiful when I first met her, now look her, a sick sight to see. She reeked, couldn’t hold a conversation, her skin wrapped around her rib cage like… like sticking you fingers into a balloon. No substance to her. Nick came in and saw the girls. He didn’t seem too surprised. He asked to be alone with her, so i left. I saw later that he was looking for some to use himself. I go to the roof and stare at the sky, the colors like borealis, reds and purples and blues and greens. Then I heard the sprinkler system come on. I got up, made a cup of coffee and began to write.